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A characteristic work by the artist Jan Miechels in earthy colours.
Jan Miechels was born in 1916 in Arnhem. He has tested his talents for over 60 years. The first 10 years his efforts remained hidden from the outside world. Michels developed as an autodidact.
In 1949, Jan Miechels became involved in the first Open Air Exhibition in Park Sonsbeek, where he provided educational guidance and guided tours. From that moment on, the stream of requests to give lectures on art for folk high schools, universities and associations did not stop. He hardly had time for painting.
In 1966 he became a full-time consultant for the visual arts and organizer of traveling exhibitions at the Cultural Council for Gelderland. In 1981, after reaching retirement age, a museum offered him an exhibition for the first time. After the Nijmegen Museum presentation, many other exhibitions followed.
His oeuvre consists mainly of still lifes and landscapes in sober colour palettes, often stripped of detail, making them look like abstract paintings. They are balanced studies of structure and composition. Oil paint, acrylics, tempera and pencil are the main means of expression.
In 1991 Miechels had a retrospective exhibition in the Singer Museum in Laren. His work is in the collection of Museum Arnhem, Museum Henriette Polak and the Province of Gelderland, among others.
Literature: Jan Miechels The other way of looking by Koos Tuitjer.
Upon purchase, the work can be picked up in Stavoren (Friesland) or Amsterdam (Oostelijk Havengebied). Parking is no problem. The period for collection is generous after payment.