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Kunstveiling is the auction platform that focuses on buying and selling classical and modern art, design and jewellery. As a member of Kunstveiling you can easily offer items for sale. The steps below will show you exactly how to sell art through the online auction.

Auctioning art yourself, this is how it works!

Step 1: Category, type and artist

Use the button 'Sell an item' at the top right of the page to open the form. Choose a category (Art, Design & Glass/Ceramics or Vinyl), the type (the technique) and select an artist. If the artist has not been included in our database (yet) and you want to know which artists we accept, you will find more information about our database of recognized artists in our Auction Rules.

Step 2: Specifications, description and images

Fill in as many characteristics of the item as possible, such as the technique, dimensions and condition. If possible, also include information about the provenance of the work. Be as complete as possible in your description of the item; more information increases the chance of a successful auction! Add clear and striking pictures. For tips on selling items, see the page with auction tips.

Step 3: Determine the starting bid

Set a realistic starting bid and bear in mind that at Kunstveiling, auction prices are leading (auction prices average around 20 percent of the original gallery price). Would you like advice on the value of your work of art? Then don’t hesitate to request a free estimate by our specialized auctioneers.

Step 4: Pick-up, delivery and/or shipping

Indicate the location of the item, and whether the item can be shipped and/or whether it can be collected by the winning bidder. You can read more about shipping/delivery in the auction rules.

Stap 5: Determine the duration of the bidding period

At last, set de duration of the auction by selecting the time window of your preference and start the auction! The duration of an auction is at least 4 days and at most 2 weeks. If you do not wish to launch the auction immediately, you can put the item in stock and launch the auction at a later time. All your items, active, sold, unsold or in stock, can be found at your personal My Kunstveiling-page.

Settlement with the buyer

If there is a bid on your item during the auction, the item is sold and you will receive immediately after the auction has ended an e-mail from Kunstveiling with details of the buyer. You should contact the buyer within 3 days after the auction to make further arrangements to settle the transaction. The buyer must transfer you the total payment within 7 days (the hammer price augmented by the buyer’s premium of 15%, including VAT, and shipping or delivery costs, if applicable). Do you have any questions about the sale of your work of art? Then please contact us.

As a seller you pay no commission for a successful sale via Kunstveiling. However, in the following month you will receive a digital invoice consisting of the buyer’s premium (15% of the hammer price incl. VAT), and a flat administration fee of € 7.50 per sold item.

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