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Vadim Ovchinnikov (1951-1994) is one of the most prominent figures of
Leningrad underground, member of the Society of Experimental Fine Arts and the
Foundation for Free Culture, member and theoretician of the New Artists group.
The exhibition of his paintings and the presentation of the book "Vadim Ovchinnikov. Work" in
1998 - after the artist's death - were inaugurated in the renovated building
Pushkinskaya 10. V. Ovchinnikov's works have been exhibited several times at the
Russian Museum. In 1993, his personal exhibition took place at the Marble Palace, later
His works have been exhibited as part of the exhibitions “The Department of
most recent trends. The first 5 years" and "Abstraction in Russia. The
twentieth century”.
Urban landscape 1991 mixed media.
Dimensions: 50*50*2 cm.
Excellent condition.
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