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Tapestry of 310 centimeters by 105 centimeters with geometric images of figures. Based on signature (photo 5) and research I expect the artist to be Ulco Kooistra. I cannot guarantee authenticity.
Considering the interests of the artist Ulco Kooistra (De Dans, Amsterdam and Morocco), I have given it a title myself: I see dancing figures in it.
The tapestry needs a good cleaning and is slightly damaged on a few spots on the sides. This can be seen clearly in photo 3 and 4.
I bought the cloth from an auction of Domeinen. The lot consisted of a large number of artworks that were in storage from Rijkspanden according to the lot description. I mainly found artworks that seem to have hung at the Patent Office in The Hague (conclusion based on literal mention on label, framers from The Hague, enclosed letters addressed to the Patent Office).
The artist Ulco Kooistra lived from 1900 to 1968. In terms of dating, I expect this work to be from around 1950. The reasoning for this is based on, among other things, the other pieces in the lot, the fact that it belonged to the National Collection and that it probably hung at the Patent Office in The Hague (where most of my auction lot turned out to come from, all of which were made around that time).