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Jörg Remé (Danzig, 1941) As a young artist, Remé focused on a total renewal of pictorial expression, but without cutting off the sources of inspiration from the avant-garde and the great masters of the past.
He confronted his 'art figures' with the plastic spaces of the great movements of modern art - from the 'metaphysicians' and futurists to the cubists, the neo-expressionists,
the 'Neue Wilde' and the post-modernists.
Remé's work opens a convincing new chapter in the painting of this century.
Works in public collectionsMuseum Boymans-van Beuningen, RotterdamStedelijk Museum, AmsterdamGemeentemuseum, ArnhemMuseum of Modern Art, Strassburg Kunsthalle, Museum Van Bommel Van Dam.