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Jan Henderikse
champagne corks on panel
30 x 30 cm
Jan Henderikse 1937 -
Jan Henderikse is a visual artist. He was born in Delft. During his studies at the Vrije Academie in The Hague from 1955 to 1958 he started making drawings in an informal way. On his initiative the first informal art exhibition took place in Delft in 1958. From this first exhibition the Dutch Informal Group emerged with Armando, Kees van Bohemen, Henk Peeters and Jan Schoonhoven. In 1960 the Dutch Nul movement emerged from this. Of this group he was the one who worked with industrial products, pronounced waste and discarded materials and used these to make assemblages. He is not the man of the theory of Nul, but of doing and making; he saw himself as the artist with the lowest 'Nul content'. Central to the work of the group of Nul artists was the emphasis on the impersonal in art, the objective. This was expressed in the use of materials, very unusual for the art of that time, such as pennies and corks. The search for manufacturing procedures that had an external regularity and order, comparable to the production process within factories and companies. He left the Netherlands and worked successively in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Curacao, Antwerp and New York.