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Modern art

Would you like to buy Modern Art? Check out the very wide auction offer here!

Modern paintings, as well as prints, such as screen prints, lithographies, etchings and many other printing techniques. Often framed and ready to put on your wall. At the top of this page you will find a selection of artworks that will be auctioned today. Of course there are many more Modern Art items currently up for auction. Please click on "View all Modern Art" at the bottom of the page to check those out. If you want to view all the other items in auction, such as Design, Jewelry and Classical art, please click on "All the items".

Buy Ronald Noorman - Pastel/Gouache, ingelijst - 1999? Bid from 299!
Ronald Noorman (1951) Dutch Pastel/Gouache, framed - 1999
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 37 x 49 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Adine Engelman - 2x olieverf op doek - 1987? Bid from 299!
Adine Engelman (1937) Dutch 2x oil on canvas - 1987
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 50 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed On stretcher
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Henk van Trigt - Ingelijste olieverf op doek: "Compositie" - 2001? Bid from 995!
Henk van Trigt (1943) Dutch Framed oil on canvas: "Composition" - 2001
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 111.5 x 61.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Ger Lataster - Gemengde techniek op papier: abstract: 1988? Bid from 375!
Ger Lataster (1920-2012) Dutch Mixed media on paper: abstract: 1988
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 80 x 102 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joost Baljeu - Ingelijste seriegrafie in kleur: Focus IIi- 1995? Bid from 499!
Joost Baljeu (1925-1991) Dutch Framed serial in color: Focus IIi- 1995
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 67 x 66 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Brood - ingelijste zeefdruk: Alex? Bid from 299!
Herman Brood (1946-2001) Dutch framed silkscreen: Alex
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 112 x 92 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Brood - zeer grote zeefdruk: Guitar man? Bid from 750!
Herman Brood (1946-2001) Dutch very large screen print: Guitar man
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 74 x 121 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Brood - Zeefdruk: Brasil God (mooie lijst!)? Bid from 299!
Herman Brood (1946-2001) Dutch Silkscreen: Brasil God (nice frame!)
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 43 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Brood - grote zeefdruk: Some like it hot? Bid from 599!
Herman Brood (1946-2001) Dutch large screen print: Some like it hot
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 50 x 120 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Brood - Ingelijste zeefdruk: De voetballers? Bid from 495!
Herman Brood (1946-2001) Dutch Framed screen print: The footballers
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 87 x 93 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Brood - Zeefdruk: Psycho? Bid from 495!
Herman Brood (1946-2001) Dutch Screenprint: Psycho
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 67 x 76 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Only in Passe-partout
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Brood - Zeefdruk: Metro? Bid from 550!
Herman Brood (1946-2001) Dutch Screen printing: Metro
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 68 x 91 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Constant - Ets: de fles - 1971? Bid from 425!
Constant (1920-2005) Dutch You are: the fox - 1971
Technique Etching
Dimensions 50 x 39 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Litho : mer du sud - 1958(Oplage slechts 12 stuks!!)? Bid from 895!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Litho: Sea of the South - 1958 (Edition of only 12 copies!!)
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 38 x 47.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Anton Rooskens - litho; compositie - 1967? Bid from 275!
Anton Rooskens (1906-1976) Dutch lithograph; composition - 1967
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 30 x 38.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Karel Appel - Kleurenlitho: L'apres midi d'un signe sur la plage de l'ecole? Bid from 999!
Karel Appel (1921-2006) Dutch Kleurenlitho: The afternoon of a sign on the school beach
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 61.5 x 81.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Lucebert - Ets - 1974? Bid from 250!
Lucebert (1924-1994) Dutch Ets - 1974
Technique Etching
Dimensions 39 x 52.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Eugène Brands - Ingelijste olieverf: Portret met een vogel op de achtergrond - 1957? Bid from 2395!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Framed oil painting: Portrait with a bird in the background - 1957
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 69 x 70.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Eugène Brands - Ingelijste zeefdruk: Eenhoorn? Bid from 399!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Framed screen print: Unicorn
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 86.5 x 96 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Eugène Brands - Litho: Vrouw met bloemenvazen - 1995? Bid from 250!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Litho: Woman with flower vases - 1995
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 45 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - litho: L'oiseau Jaune a la Lune - 1996? Bid from 275!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Litho: The Yellow Bird at the Moon - 1996
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 45 x 57 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Litho - 1988? Bid from 350!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Members - 1988
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 60 x 40 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Kleurenlitho: Rigoletto - 1990? Bid from 299!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Color lithograph: Rigoletto - 1990
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 75.5 x 56 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Ingelijste zeefdruk: "Promenade C" - 1991? Bid from 250!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Framed silkscreen: "Promenade C" - 1991
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 60 x 67 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Constant - Kleurenets: Happening II - 1968? Bid from 395!
Constant (1920-2005) Dutch Color etching: Happening II - 1968
Technique Etching
Dimensions 40 x 31 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Constant - Ingelijste kleuren ets/aquatint: Plaisir et tristesse de l’amour nr. 3 - 1979? Bid from 1500!
Constant (1920-2005) Dutch Entire colors and aquatint: Pleasure and sadness of love nr. 3 - 1979
Technique Etching/Aquatint
Dimensions 83 x 70.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Constant - ets: zangles - 1982? Bid from 350!
Constant (1920-2005) Dutch etching: singing lessons - 1982
Technique Etching
Dimensions 65.5 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Constant - Ets: Robot (kleur)? Bid from 495!
Constant (1920-2005) Dutch Etching: Robot (color)
Technique Etching
Dimensions 56.5 x 37.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Litho: Femme et Faune Familière - 1978? Bid from 350!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Litho: Woman and Familiar Fauna - 1978
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 76.5 x 56.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Jaroslawa Dankowa - Gepatineerd bronzen beeld: Zittend mannenfiguur? Bid from 275!
Jaroslawa Dankowa (1925-1999) Bulgarian Dutch Patinated bronze statue: Seated male figure
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 17 x 19 x 5 cm (h x w x d)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Fons Bemelmans - Bronzen relief: 'Ruiters te paard'? Bid from 999!
Fons Bemelmans (1938) Dutch Bronze relief: 'Riders on horseback'
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 19 x 24 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Pepe Gregoire - Ruw en gepolijst bronzen beeld - 1988? Bid from 499!
Pepe Gregoire (1950) Dutch Rough and polished bronze sculpture - 1988
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 23 x 11 x 5.5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Zeefdruk 124/130? Bid from 1000!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian vibrant expressions
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 96 x 96 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Textile
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Tjikkie Kreuger - Bronzen sculptuur - 2001? Bid from 595!
Tjikkie Kreuger (1941-2017) Dutch Bronze sculpture - 2001
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 7 x 12 x 7 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid