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Founded in 1924



The founder of Surrealism, André Breton, saw the artist as a seer in revolt against society. From this comes the idea that the surrealists wanted to change people's way of thinking. Surrealism wanted to liberate the subconscious and unite the subconscious with the conscious. This is usually done by painting in a hyper-realistic style, which depicts strange things emanating from the subconscious, especially dreams. However, the works can also be abstract, such as those of Joan Miró. Some of the techniques used in surrealism are collage, automatism, frottage, and decalcomania. A great influence on this came from the ideas of Freud. Surrealism was an offshoot of dada, who also wanted to blur boundaries.

Buy Tonny Kristians - Tonny Kristians? Bid from 10!
Tonny Kristians (1907-1977) Dutch Tony Kristians
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 29 x 22 cm (h x w)
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Buy Herman Krikhaar - Galerie Krikhaar.? Bid from 25!
Herman Krikhaar (1930-2010) Dutch Krikhaar Gallery.
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 27 x 21 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Rene Magritte - "Un Bombardon libère", Originalfarblithografie? Bid from 1110!
Rene Magritte (1898-1967) Belgian "A Bombardon Liberates", Original color lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 43.8 x 59.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Salvador Dali - Enlisement d’Horus.? Bid from 1850!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish Horus's quagmire.
Technique Etching
Dimensions 82 x 67 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Felix Labisse - Passage de la Bérésina - 1975? Bid from 140!
Felix Labisse (1905-1982) French Passage of the Beresina - 1975
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 72 x 87 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Melle Oldeboerrigter - 3 boeken, o.a. monografie en 1x handgenummerd? Bid from 50!
Melle Oldeboerrigter (1908-1976) Dutch 3 books, including a monograph and 1x hand-numbered
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 30 x 24.5 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Salvador Dali - MINOTAURUS 1960? Bid from 200!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish MINOTAURUS 1960
Technique Wood/Linocut
Dimensions 24 x 19 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Framed Only in Passe-partout
Starting bid
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Buy Tito Salomoni - zonder titel? Bid from 95!
Tito Salomoni (1928-1986) Italian untitled
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 56 x 71 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Octave Landuyt - 2 zeefdrukken: Bonjour Brel; "Les vieux"/"J'arrive" (17/99)? Bid from 100!
Octave Landuyt (1922-2024) Belgian 2 silkscreens: Bonjour Brel; "Les vieux"/"J'arrive" (17/99)
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 76 x 56 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Starting bid
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Buy André Breton - L' amour fou? Bid from 55!
André Breton (1896-1966) French Crazy love
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 30 x 23 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Salvador Dali - Dali? Bid from 25!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish easiness
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 27.5 x 22 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Hans Wap - Zeefdruk: Two birds of one feather - 1998? Bid from 69!
Hans Wap (1943) Dutch Zeefdruk: Two birds of one feather - 1998
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 56.5 x 76 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Hans Wap - Zeefdruk: Spinning tops - 1998? Bid from 69!
Hans Wap (1943) Dutch Screenprint: Spinning tops - 1998
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 56.5 x 76 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Leonor Fini - Ets, Titel, Scène de Théâtre? Bid from 45!
Leonor Fini (1908-1996) French Ets, Title, Theater Scene
Technique Etching
Dimensions 67 x 49 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Francis Picabia - tentoonstellingsaffiche LEDA? Bid from 55!
Francis Picabia (1879-1953) French exhibition poster LEDA
Technique Offset
Dimensions 80 x 58 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Salvador Dali - " ANKÜNDIGUNG EINES GROSSEN EREIGNISSES "? Bid from 200!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish " ANNOUNCEMENT OF A MAJOR EVENT "
Technique Wood/Linocut
Dimensions 25 x 18 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Framed Only in Passe-partout
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Salvador Dali - Het geschilderde werk? Bid from 25!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish The painted work
Technique Series/Box
Dimensions 33 x 25.5 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Salvador Dali - The Downfall of San Romano? Bid from 1050!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish The Downfall of San Romano
Technique Drypoint
Dimensions 75 x 105 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Rene Magritte - (naar) ‘ Le bouquet tout fait‘ (1954 ), Lithografie? Bid from 390!
Rene Magritte (1898-1967) Belgian (after) „Le Bouquet tout fait“ (1954), Lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 60 x 45 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Francis Picabia - La nuit Espagnole? Bid from 70!
Francis Picabia (1879-1953) French The Spanish Night
Technique Offset
Dimensions 130 x 90 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Salvador Dali - " DIE TRÄGEN oder LÄSSIGEN "? Bid from 200!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish "THE SLAZY OR CASUAL"
Technique Wood/Linocut
Dimensions 24 x 19 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Framed Only in Passe-partout
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Leonor Fini - “The Couple, Passion Fruit”.? Bid from 79!
Leonor Fini (1908-1996) French “The Couple, Passion Fruit”.
Technique Heliogravure
Dimensions 44 x 36 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
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Buy Salvador Dali - Le Bestiaire de La Fontaine? Bid from 400!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish The Bestiary of La Fontaine
Technique Etching
Dimensions 73 x 86 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Octave Landuyt - Kalender 2005? Bid from 10!
Octave Landuyt (1922-2024) Belgian Calendar 2005
Technique Other
Dimensions 60 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
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Buy Jakop Slegt - Jakop Slegt - off-set print uit 1965 -? Bid from 50!
Jakop Slegt (1934-1990) Dutch Jakop Slegt - off-set print from 1965 -
Technique Etching/Aquatint
Dimensions 36 x 49 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
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Buy Jakop Slegt - Jakop Slegt - off-set print uit 1965 -? Bid from 50!
Jakop Slegt (1934-1990) Dutch Jakop Slegt - off-set print from 1965 -
Technique Etching/Aquatint
Dimensions 36 x 49 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Hans Wap - Litho, Two birds of one feather? Bid from 30!
Hans Wap (1943) Dutch Litho, Two birds of one feather
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 42 x 62 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Salvador Dali - Petit nu? Bid from 8000!
Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish Petit nu
Technique Serigraph
Dimensions 41 x 31 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joop Moesman - Litho: Windkracht 8 - 1984? Bid from 159!
Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Dutch Litho: Wind force 8 - 1984
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 40 x 29 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joop Moesman - Litho: op wacht - 1979 + boekje Petit 1? Bid from 195!
Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Dutch Litho: on guard - 1979 + booklet Petit 1
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 32 x 24 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Hans Wap - Two birds of one feather? Bid from 15!
Hans Wap (1943) Dutch Two birds of one feather
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 49 x 64 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joop Moesman - Litho: Windkracht 8 (kleurenversie) - 1984? Bid from 175!
Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Dutch Litho: Wind force 8 (color version) - 1984
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 40 x 29 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Felix Labisse - Passage de la beresina? Bid from 110!
Felix Labisse (1905-1982) French Beresina Passage
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 50 x 66 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Rene Magritte - (naar) ‘La Page Blanche', Lithografie? Bid from 390!
Rene Magritte (1898-1967) Belgian (after) ‘La Page Blanche', Lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 53 x 74 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Hans Wap - handgesigneerde zeefdruk | 'Vliegtuig' | 1989? Bid from 60!
Hans Wap (1943) Dutch hand-signed screen print | 'Airplane' | 1989
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 55 x 60 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Rene Magritte - (naar) ‘ Ceci n’est pas une pomme‘, Lithografie? Bid from 470!
Rene Magritte (1898-1967) Belgian (to) ‘This is not an apple‘, Lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 60 x 45 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Andre Masson - Atelier Mourlot New York? Bid from 50!
Andre Masson (1896-1987) French Atelier Mourlot New York
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 71 x 53 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joop Moesman - Nest, litho (kleine oplage)? Bid from 250!
Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Dutch Nest, lithograph (small edition)
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 35 x 25 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Jean Lurcat - Bordenserie Jean Lurcat? Bid from 500!
Jean Lurcat (1892-1966) French Plate series Jean Lurcat
Dimensions 3 x 30 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 300 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Jakop Slegt - Kathedraal Sainte Cecile Albi Frankrijk? Bid from 100!
Jakop Slegt (1934-1990) Dutch Cathedral Sainte Cecile Albi France
Technique Pen (Ink)
Dimensions 60 x 42 cm (h x w)
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joop Moesman - Op wacht, litho? Bid from 150!
Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Dutch On guard, lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 33 x 24 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Hans Wap - Litho: 'Spinning tops' (1998)? Bid from 30!
Hans Wap (1943) Dutch Litho, Two birds of one feather - Framed
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 39 x 67 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joop Moesman - Litho: Handen - Voor de Petitentjes? Bid from 150!
Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Dutch Lithograph: Hands
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 40 x 58 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joop Moesman - Zeldzame proefdruk in kleur (paars) litho: 'op wacht' - 1979? Bid from 150!
Joop Moesman (1909-1988) Dutch Rare colour proof (purple) lithograph: 'on guard' - 1979
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 48.5 x 32 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Herman Krikhaar - Zeefdruk: "l'amour pour" - 1995? Bid from 59!
Herman Krikhaar (1930-2010) Dutch without title but with list!
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 40 x 46.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Melle Oldeboerrigter - Portret van een man? Bid from 175!
Melle Oldeboerrigter (1908-1976) Dutch Portrait of a man
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 42 x 30 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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